Sunday, September 18, 2011

Moments Like This

Sometimes there's the mundane: Wake up, workout, make breakfast, make beds, fix lunch, clean up, pick up, nap time, shower, dinner, bath time, bedtime. I know you know what I'm talkin' about.

Yes, sometimes the routine gets to me.

But then there are moments like this...

Where the temperature is perfect, the sky a most perfect blue and the clouds big, white and puffy. So perfect it doesn't look real, you want to touch it just to be sure.

This day with it's crisp breeze inspires me, moves me, makes me want to me be intentional.  Things like talking about our day over a home cooked meal, soft music coming through speakers.  Pushing me to scrub all the corners of my home, corners usually neglected.  Crisp bed linens. No noise, just the hum of the refrigerator and the wind through the trees.

I want to take my kids to all the pumpkin patches, all the local festivals. I want to wear chunky sweaters and scarves whilst sipping hot cider.  Yes, whilst.

We went to the park this week. It was full of moments I don't want to forget. It was a gift, a blessed normal day.

We kicked the ball into open soccer nets, pretending we were world cup champions. We hit home runs and ran bases. We went down slides and pretended we were rockets flying to the moon via a chain link park swing.

 I love this kind of pretending, when it isn't silly to think those things. When the world is full of possibilities, a blank slate. When I see the world through the eyes of my kids. Focusing on them, really listening, joining in on their play. I'm learning just how important that time is. To play with them, to play with them. To be there, pretend with, to chase, to monkey bar, to be friends. Not just the mama expecting clean rooms and vegetable eating.

Though no one wanted to leave, we were hungry. We headed home for Sloppy Joe's and followed it up with cornhole in the driveway 'til dark.

It was just another beautiful day that acts as binding on the Book of Our Life. I can't wait to hear our kids' version of days like this years from now. Building the same memories, laughing hard. I want to take this day with all of its goodness and wrap it up. When the mundane gets to me I will pull it out, read it and remember how good life is. After years pass, there will be other pages to fill our book, we will read them together and remember all the good.

Because there is a lot of it.

Other things I don't want to forget...

*How Selah hugs so tight, wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezes tight.
*The way she says "I don't know".
*Gabe moving close to me and holding my hand on the couch.
*The way Selah grabs my face with both hands and turns my head to look at her when she really wants my attention...which is always :)
*How she randomly shouts "I win, mama win, daddy win, Isaac win, Gabe win!!"
*Selah putting her baby in Time Out.

*Isaac meeting his cousin, baby Greyson, for the very first time...and the look on all of these boys faces.

Feeling very blessed tonight.


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